Generation Application | The Musical Job Search

Let's talk about the Covid job market...

Let’s be frank, the job market isn’t exactly flying high right now. We’re already seeing jobs being cut all over the world and who knows what the true impact will be when we can eventually look back on Coronavirus. The virus has affected us all and we each have our own unique battle against it. 


I decided to make a short music video, (entirely unrelated to the virus) to have a bit of fun while highlighting to my colleagues and clients that I am available to take on some new work. It wasn’t until a few hours after I finished editing that I actually realised the story it tells. 


What was intended to be a bit of a carry on to lighten my day – and hopefully yours – actually turned into a relatable depiction of reality for a lot of people right now.


Our hero is out of work and under pressure to find a new job, fast. He sits down to complete an application and faced with a seemingly simple question, he gathers his thoughts and begins to replay his experience looking for the answer. Despite recounting plenty of examples that would answer the question, he becomes overwhelmed with the process and gives in to the instant gratification monkey on his shoulder. Choosing to procrastinate over a coffee instead of completing the application. Again.


If you’re finding it difficult to process what’s going on in the bigger picture at the moment and struggling to do all of the things that you know you should be doing, don’t panic. Breathe. You’re not alone, trust me. Take it one day at a time and remember that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Make a coffee and take the first step, just one and you’ll see how soon you fly past ten thousand miles. 


We’ll all get there!


I wish you luck in your fight against the virus and hope you can find some comic relief in our short video. Let us know what you think and subscribe to our YouTube channel to catch our next instalment of corporate carry on.

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